Using Numerology as a Psycho-Analytic Tool
The ancient esoteric art and science known as numerology is possibly one of the most validly pertinent, psycho-analytic tools available today. The other esoteric method would be astrology. It, too can used, holistically, as an investigative detecting rod, to unravel certain latent artistic gifts locked within a person's psyche. ?Using numerology, as a beginning barometer and incisive indicator, while eliciting a psychological search for meaning and clarification in the personality, in an otherwise perplexing, confusing motivating structure, one may find a treasure house of unexplored truths, which not only educate, enlighten but entertain.
Hidden in the letters of your name, a relevant applicable impetus can be exposed and consumed, as a viable method for study and consideration of merit, IF you are ready, (at the precise place in your life) to delve further into the various meanings possibly associated with the various grouping of letters which, in fact, form your name, along with the specific vibration attached.
When you, (who stand at a precarious juncture, for whatever reason) begin the awesome unconscious probing of your inner nature, a mystifying, yet esoterically scientific approach is often helpful and appropriate.
In the study of numerology, specific wave vibrations are attached (attributed) to each letter. But, more importantly, the cosmic reality interwoven in the unique blending of the individual letters comprise a specific destiny, not yet disclosed at the conscious level. What I mean exactly is: how the chosen letters are strung together, comprise certain chemical constitutions of sorts, not unlike the various essential molecular elements which make up, let's say: a chair. A farfetched proposition, I realize, but not altogether, unlikely.For example: take the name "Mary".? The name begins with the letter "M" which immediately summons undefined, surprising, quick, unexpected changes to occur throughout this person's lifetime [some may even call them: clean breaks]. IN other words, it may be difficult for this person to establish any real sense of security/confidence until the personal desire nature is probed into, dug up and studied. ?One does not have to be a professional numerologist to see the abrupt up and down movements formed in the mere shape of the letter "M", itself.
There are so many diverse meanings attached to the letter "M"; one being, the succinct art of learning how to ?die out' to self on a daily basis. In other words, in the course of the lifetime, of this particular individual, the ability to realize, embrace and practice how NOT to make oneself important will play a valuable role in personal well being.? In fact, getting rid of the idea of needing to feel ?special' will be the key ingredient for solidifying the person's ability to solicit genuine happiness from, herself. Mental state remains divided until then.
I have touched but on one aspect of one letter in the name ?Mary." Three more letters follow which create the significant blend of esoteric psychological flavor. You may rightly ask: ?is every "Mary" identical? Well of course, the basic attributions of the letters ?Mary", in and of itself, are relatively similar (in the same vein) but because she was possibly born on another day, month, year, and to a very different set of parents, (DNA combination), in addition to adding the middle and last name to the mix, coupled with the environmental factors and peer influential osmotic penetration, will inevitably make for an original kind of esoteric psycho-analytic mix. The unique combination of all these factors (variables), coupled with other resonating issues, work in harmony or not, causing her to be the unique "Mary", she exhibits, numerically speaking.
The letter "A" signifies a pin-pointedly direct approach to various situations in life, standing upon a firm foundation with the two points resting firmly upon the ground, the aspiration of the "A" clearly reveals an overt indication to excel. The "A" possesses undeniable leadership abilities. But, will oftentimes be misunderstood and undervalued simply because of the abrupt nature enhanced. The "A" needs space to roam, explore and not altogether acceptable conditions in which to invent new avenues of artistic expression.
The "R" contains a long line of verifiable wisdom which, when accessed in human years, will leave the person baffled, disconnected and uncertain. The "R" stands alone, without need for validation, consolation and demonstration. One would attribute the "R" as having an old soul! Humor and the ability to relax would be hard to come by. Learning how to lighten up, without having to feel unduly responsible for others, would prove to be beneficial.
The "Y" yearns for understanding. Filled with a depth of gratitude and simplicity for living, lends itself to receptive ideas of change and resolution. The art of forgiveness brings with it a conciliating aspect of the behavior. Remembering how to ?let go' of the past, (with its entire ?apparent' wrong doings) will open the mind to accept the day as it shows itself exactly and precisely as it unfolds.
I have dissected the name "Mary" briefly and superficially. The numerological exploration demands much more time, effort, inclination of esoteric study.? The date of birth also involves a mathematical process where the formula involves the reduction of the entire birthday, month and year to the lowest denominator to delineate as a composite reading of inherent destiny.
In other words, the mystical study of numerology is a simple yet incisive way to begin a serious metaphysical approach in esoteric psychology. I have always found the method to be fascinating and surprisingly accurate. Another quick example: the letter "T" carries with it a vibration of 20. The number 20, as MODE of Cosmic Therapy Esoteric Analysis approaches it, sustains, discloses, and demonstrates the unfailing, ardent ability to disrobe layers upon layers of pretense. Because it is the number of unwavering positivity, it establishes and maintains a positive self-image, in the same way as if a genetic coded structure had been placed in the personality.
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