Thursday, August 11, 2011

Long Distance Relationships According to Fifi Box ...

Long distance relationships, according to Fifi Box, have many important benefits. Now in her third LDR and an international one at that, Box knows a thing or two about going the distance. Even though some of her friends suspect that her penchant for LDRs may be due to commitment issues, Box says that isn?t so.

Fifi who refers to LDRs as ?geographically challenged relationships? has been in her current relationship for less than one year, and despite her limited experience, has come up with a list of pros and cons for those who live together apart or apart together, however you prefer to put it. According to Box, a definite plus is being able to sleep alone in your own big, bed and making plans without consulting someone else. She also likes the idea that she can return from a compulsive shopping spree, shopping bags in tow, without having to hide them in her trunk or explain her purchases to someone who might think that she is overly self-indulgent. She likes the dramatic anticipation and yearning of a long distance relationship to the kinds of feelings conjured by a Bergman/Bogart movie. Alas, Fifi, life is not a movie.

Fifi Box is committed to phone calls and Skype in her long-distance relationship. For the past nine months, I?ve been happily enjoying a long-distance relationship. But, in the spirit of honesty,it hasn?t come easily. ?

At the end of the day, it comes down to happiness and that you?re both getting what you want and need. You can?t help who you fall in love with, and you can?t control what part of the world they might live in. For now, I?m totally content in a long-distance relationship, even though a friend recently pointed out to me, ?That?s not a relationship you?re in, that?s email.?

So what are the cons of a long distance relationship according to Fifi? First of all, your lover is not always available when you need to rant or vent, in fact, he might just be asleep, especially if you live in different countries. Another con is that you might have to stay up past your bedtime in order to check in or get some bonding time. Last but not least, your significant other is not around for minor repairs, like changing light bulbs.

Oh, Fifi, I could make so many comments right now about your limited view of relationships and how much they reveal about you that I?m having to restrain myself. Let?s just say that I can see why you have a name like Fifi.

So what is your opinion of the pros and cons of long distance relationships according to Fifi Box? Do you think she?s right? Do you find her shallow? Do you have any pros or cons of your own that you would like to add to Fifi?s version of LDR-lite, preferably ones with depth? Feel free to leave your comments below.

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